The emerald green LED underwater fish light has one of the shortest wavelengths of light in chromatography.
which means it will pass further through the water before transmitting.
On the contrary, plankton is deeply attracted by this green light, and will quickly dive to the river surface to chase the light source.
Shrimp and giant squid will pursue plankton to the river surface.
green LED underwater fish:
The special LED underwater fish-collecting light crosses the dark night water, and within a few minutes, small microorganisms called plankton gradually explore the emerald green light source.
just like insects are attracted by engineering lighting. Soon the fish are attracted by the plankton.
Every link in the food web is slightly inferior, going on for minutes and hours.
Herrings and other bait fish will surround the light source, introducing kara and other bait predators.
Then, we usually catch predatory fish.
The LED underwater fish-collecting light caused a food web response, sending the fish to the boat immediately.
Proving to be the most beautiful LED underwater fish light in the market, New Sunshine invites you to purchase a sample and test it in your store.
You will see that the various wattage lamps we are dedicated to customizing the lampfish are 4 times brighter than the current RGB lamps.
Our own fishing lights can be installed and assembled directly on the boat, and the technology we have developed allows us to get high power catches in boat LED fishing lights.
Traditional fishing lights are usually multi-directional light sources.
This means that most of the light emitted from the lighting fixture can be fed back.

LED underwater fish:
Proving to be the most beautiful LED underwater fish light in the market.
New Sunshine invites you to purchase a sample and test it in your store.
You will see that the various wattage lamps we are dedicated to customizing the lampfish are 4 times brighter than the current RGB lamps.
Our own fishing lights can be installed and assembled directly on the boat.
and the technology we have developed allows us to get high power catches in boat LED fishing lights.
Traditional fishing lights are usually multi-directional light sources.
This means that most of the light emitted from the lighting fixture can be fed back.